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“Remember: Don't forget to order a new planner each year”
What are the benefits?

Flock Health Planning – What are the benefits?
It's fair and natural to say, that farmer wants to maximise the performance of their flock and to achieve the best results possible in terms of productivity and profit. A lot of effort goes into running a sheep enterprise including day-to-day decisions, routine husbandty and management decisions and key decisions about how best to make it all work.
Farmers take pride in selecting the correct stock, the best rams, feeding regimes, grazing management, housing etc, etc the list goes on and on, that's only to be expected.
Having done this perhaps asks a question? - When was the last time the flocks health plan was reviewed, that's if you have a formal one? Chances are these things are just same as last year and have most probably been the same with a few variations for years, maybe without major reflection or appraisal.
If it's working why fix it many might say.
Thaer;s little consolation if one misses some aspects which could actually be changed resulting in the improved running or management of the 'system'. More importantly to prevent sudden surprises and losses and additional costs - minimising the risks is the aim.
By taking the opportunity at least once a year to review what is practiced, this process could prove to be time well spent. Even if everything is sound and feels ‘OK', at least you know you have fulfilled the requirement in the Sheep Welfare Code of having a written flock health plan in place also this is an ongoing requirement for all quality assurance schemes.
Most of us would agree that preparation and planning is of vital importance in any business, but the tendency is to gloss over an in-depth appraisal; just carrying on as before.
Benefits of flock health planning:
- More control and prevention of problems before they occur.
- Getting the most value out of vaccines and medicines being used.
- Making improvements to existing systems i.e. condition scoring and vaccination timings.
Better timing, easing work load without jeopardising important aspects of husbandry.