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ListeriaCaused by:  Bacteria – Listeria monocytogenes/ivanovii

How is the disease spread  / Information:  Soil borne, contaminated silage and hay/straw

Appearance of the abortion:  Abort typically in last third of pregnancy when Dead lambs. The ewe will appear OK. The lambs liver may have necrotic lesions (spots)

Treatment: None?

Prevention:   Avoid feeding soil contaminated silage/hay

How to control the disease: Discuss with your vet a plan to reduce the risk of infection and manage the disease.

Other disease causing abortions

e.g Brucellosis -  Further information unavailable at this time.

Always discuss abortions with your vet and investigate the cause as it may become more widespread

Measures to take when abortions occur

More Information on this subject - click here


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